6.6.4 SecureSFX Installer Options

  Other SecureSFX Installer Options:

ZONE 4 is reserved to "Other SecureSFX Installer Options"

On here you have an overview of the extra options used with your SecureSFX:

Here is the description of the settings:

    • Allow SecureSFX to create a backup source file:

Description: When checked, the SecureSFX Installer will not remove the source file. The source file will get renamed to _source_file_name.SecuredBackup

    • Allow SecureSFX to browse for file:

Description: When checked, the SecureSFX Installer will prompt for a FileDialog in order to locate the source file. Unless the source file is located in current path or designated %SOURCE_FOLDER% path

    • Allow SecureSFX to rollback file(s):

Description: When checked, SecureSFX switches the system back to its original state, before the update began, if the update processes fails.

    • Allow SecureSFX to create a log file:

Description: When checked, the SecureSFX Installer will create a text log file where all steps and events are recorded.

    • Allow SecureSFX to use multi-threading

Description: When checked, the SecureSFX Installer starts two threads in order to check fingerprinting of source and payload in the background, for faster processing