6.5.3 Reviewing SecureUPDATE file(s)
6.5.3 Reviewing SecureUPDATE File(s)
Reviewing a SecureUPDATE file:
When a SecureUPDATE file is selected...
...either a SecureDELTA or an XtremeDELTA file, decrypted data from SecureUPDATE file header is displayed in the information control, see below.
The information control also displays additional information related to the SecureUPDATE process:
Minimum version to extract
Digital Signature presence
ADLER32 fingerprint information
Engine type - SecureDELTA or XtremeDELTA
Creation Time of the SecureUPDATE file
Source File information such as
- Source filename
- Source file version
- Embedded file version (in case the file embeds versioning information)
Target File information
- Target file version
- Embedded file version (in case the file embeds versioning information)
The information alone is presented Read-Only and cannot be modified. When a certain cell is selected, the control displays also couple of rows of informational text on the bottom of the control:
For instance, if the Minimum Version is selected from the control, the informational text displays: "Minimum Version required to decode...
For the Engine Type, it take SecureDELTA or XtremeDELTA values: